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The Pancake Theory [Native Advertising]
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Pancake Theory and Native Advertising:
How to make your native advertising campaigns profitable using Ligatus, Outbrain and Taboola.

Inspired by Pancake Theory, we created T.U.B.E, a fully optimised process for native advertising.

T.U.B.E 4 letters which means : Time User segments Behaviour Experiment

  • T: Time – Sending the right message at the right time.
  • U: User Segments – Segment your traffic according to the offer.
  • B: Behaviour – Measure and analyse the behaviours.
  • E: Experiment – Test new variations continuously.



The Pancake Theory [Native Advertising]

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by Philippe Aimé

Philippe is the CEO of Convertize. He created his first website in 1998 and has spent the past 20 years finding ways to make digital marketing more persuasive. He now heads a team of CRO consultants.

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Philippe is the CEO of Convertize. He created his first website in 1998 and has spent the past 20 years finding ways to make digital marketing more persuasive. He now heads a team of CRO consultants.

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